Our Corporate Plan
A significant benefit since merging to form 54North Homes and become a larger housing association, part of the wider Karbon Group, is that we are well equipped to embrace the challenges social landlords face, including considerable uncertainty in the current operating environment.
The advent of new regulatory standards, the rising cost of living, environmental pressures, and the acute shortage of affordable housing all have far-reaching impacts across the sector, but there
are also many opportunities. Across our Yorkshire footprint housing providers are collaborating and sharing resources, and we are delighted to be active members of the West Yorkshire Housing Partnership and the York and North Yorkshire Housing Partnership. The successful integration of the two teams from our legacy organisations, York Housing Association and Leeds & Yorkshire Housing Associations, has brought new skills and strength in depth, allowing us to offer additional services, such as money and debt advice, to benefit our customers.
As this plan sets out, our strategy focuses on three key pillars: providing as many good quality homes as we can, delivering an excellent customer experience and shaping strong, sustainable places for our communities. Ultimately, we want people to thrive and live well in our homes and
communities and we will do this by combining a sound business head with a strong social heart.